Composition competition for Freedom and Peace in melodies and lyrics
This competition was launched by the Katholische Männerbewegung – kmb (Catholic Men’s Movement) and the Südtiroler Künstlerbund – SKB (South Tyrolean Federation of Artists) in cooperation with the Katholische Frauenbewegung – kfb (Catholic Women’s Movement) and Südtirols Katholischer Jugend - SKJ (South Tyrol‘s Catholic Youth). In the case of the performances, the competition is carried out in cooperation with the Provincial Directorate of German-Language and Ladin-Language Music Schools, the Südtiroler Chorverband - SCV (South Tyrolean Federation of Choirs), the Verband der Kirchenmusik Südtirol - VKM (Federation of Church Music in South Tyrol), the Südtiroler Volksmusikverein - SVMK (South Tyrolean Folk Music Association) and the Verband Südtiroler Musikkapellen - VSM (Federation of South Tyrolean Music Bands).